How To Spring Clean Your Home

How To Spring Clean Your Home

Spring is finally here! As the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, it’s the perfect time to shake off the winter blues and give your home a good spring clean. 

Here are some of our best spring-cleaning tips to help you freshen up your living space this season: 

Declutter and organise

Spring cleaning is the perfect excuse to tackle the clutter in your home. Start by clearing out any unnecessary items in each room to create a clutter-free space. Look through cabinets, storage spaces and wardrobes and decide which items you want to keep, donate or throw away.  

After decluttering, why not consider investing in some new storage solutions to help maximise the space and keep all your belongings organised.  

Deep clean

Focus on deep cleaning the most used areas of your home, such as entryways, hallways, and living rooms, to remove any winter dust build up. When cleaning, start by dusting from the top and finish by vacuuming up all the settled dust in the area. Here is a room-by-room breakdown to get you started: 

  • Kitchen: Wipe down cabinets and countertops, clean your oven to remove any grease and organise kitchen cabinets by discarding expired items or rearranging utensils for easy access. 

  • Bathroom: Scrub tiles, disinfect surfaces, organise toiletries and freshen up drains to keep them clean and free flowing. Don’t forget to wash bathmats too! 

  • Bedrooms: Dust furniture, wash pillows and bedding and clean light fixtures. Remember to flip your mattresses.  

  • Outdoors: Get your outdoor space ready for summer by pressure washing the patio, decking and furniture. Consider adding some new plants or furniture to make the most of your outdoor space.  

Refresh your interior  

The final touch? Refresh your living space with some spring-inspired decor! Add pops of colour with fresh flowers, decorations and throw pillows and swap out heavy winter throws for lighter blankets.  

Consider rearranging furniture for a new perspective or painting an accent wall for a bolder look during the warmer months. 

Thinking about a new home?

If your springtime cleaning has you dreaming of a brand-new space, look no further than Lancet Homes! We offer a range of stunning new homes for sale in the North West, all designed for modern living.  

Explore our available homes or arrange a viewing of our new build homes to find your perfect spring fresh start!
